Main Menu What's
June 7th 2004
- Writing a
space invadars game in Java (step by step)
A step by step guide to developing arcade
games with Java 2D. In 29 steps you'll move from a simple window on the
screen to a Java 2D game with sound, music, scrolling background, sprites,
etc. Beginner level and fully commented and explained source code.
- ChatBuilder
IRC1 freeware
ChatBuilder IRC1 is a client chat applet that
connects to an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server via a web browser. IRC is
a multi-user, multi-channel chatting system. Limited freeware version
January 7th 2004
- HyperMap freeware
HyperMap turns any image into a comprehensive image map,
with each link area becoming a dynamic, drop down menu. Very unique.
December 15th 2003
- Winter
Snow free for non commercial use
This applet generates random snow over any background image, various parameters to customize sound. Random speeds for more realistic effects.
Free for non commerical use.
November 13th 2003
- In2reach
Site Search
This is a Java Search Applet built with Borland J.Builder, that reads an index file on a server and performs a keyword search on the URL's listed in this index file.
October 13th 2003
- Anti
Spam Applet freeware
Source code and explanation on how to display
your email address using a Java applet, so spam harvesters
cannot retrieve your email address via
your web page.
- ZeroHour
A highly customizable countdown/up timer for Java capable browsers.
Features different background/text color options, different display options, ability to display message of your choice once the target date is reached,
and ability to start a positive count (count up) once the target date is
- Alien
Wars freeware
Alien War is an arcade style shoot-em up game. A freeware java game which you may play
at the site or freely add to your own web pages. Full instructions for adding to your own web pages are included.
September 17th 2003
- JUpload
free for non commercial use
JUpload supports uploading of multiple files to the webserver using standard HTTP protocol. Features proxy support, https, file upload resuming, image preview and
more. Free for non-commercial use.
August 28th 2003
- Tetris (Ari)
A simple, Java rendition of the famous Tetris game. Fun!
July 22nd 2003
- Image
Disk freeware
This simple animation applet allows you to smoothly cycle through a set of images with a 'disk growing' effect: the new image grows outward from a center point in an expanding disk.
- Image
Fan freeware
This simple animation applet allows you to smoothly cycle through a set of images with a 'fan wipe' effect: the wipes appear as if they were blades on a fan rotating.
- Manual
Slideshow freeware
This manual slideshow applet comes with
buttons to allow the viewer to cycle through the pictures. Also supports
a short description (title) plus optional hyperlink for each image. Very
June 17th 2003
- Keiji's
Java Applets
An impressive collection of
original Java applets, free for non commercial usage.
May 16th 2003
- Up
Scroll freeware
This versatile up down scroller pauses between each message, and
fades out the previous message out of view.
People Chat Room freeware
A free hosted Java chat room service for
your site. Create your own private channel where visitors can interact
April 8th 2003
- Frozen
Bubble freeware
This is the Java version of the classic and immensely
addictive Puzzle Bubble game.
March 19th 2003
- Free Java Tree
Applet freeware
Feature packed and highly customizable Tree Menu. Quickly add great menu navigation aids to web sites, help systems, documentation, intranets and more.
- PollHandler
PollHandler is a Java Servlet that lets you simply add web polls to your website with little or no knowledge of programming. This poll and it's source code is available for free under the terms of the GPL.
March 2nd 2003
- JCalendarCombo
JCalendarCombo control is a simple yet powerful GUI Calendar widget for
your applications. Add date functionality to your java applications
easily with this Swing GUI library.
Clock freeware
NET Clock is an implementation of New Earth
Time concept. New Earth Time divides a day into 360 degrees and a degree
into 60 minutes. It has an outer ring that contains a view to the user's
current local time plus an analogue and digital representation of the
NET time.
Feburary 11th 2003
- Light
Rays v1.0 (Personal Edition) free for non
commercial use
This is the world's first volumetric light rays effect for
images complete with GUI control and automatic HTML code generation. It is finally made freely available to end users
- DieselPoint
search software freeware/
commercial versions
Dieselpoint Search is an advanced search software for documents and databases. Written entirely in Java, it provides
high scalability and numerous high-end features, including linguistic processing, multi-language support,
and a high-performance crawler. Free version of software available for
small sites.
January 28th 2003
- Pie
Chart II freeware
This extremely practical applet reads
in a formatted data file and displays the results in a nice pie chart;
useful for survey results and such.
A free java-based arcade site with over 100 games to play.
No registration required.
January 12th 2003
- B*Gallery
B*Gallery is a complete JSP/XML photo gallery applet
designed for web sites that support JSP. The software works with all
JPEG files, and comes with a rich interface.
- Maze
Applet freeware
This game applet randomly
constructs a 'perfect' maze, where 'perfect' means that not only is the
maze solvable, and well-connected such that any point within it is
reachable from any other point, the maze also contains no loops.
December 10th 2002
- JAlbum freeware
JAlbum is a free, advanced web photo album generator with index pages and slideshows.
Very cool!
November 13th 2002
- Handwriting
text freeware
This unique applet animates text into view by writing it
out on letter at a time. Cool!
server applet freeware
This is a fully featured FTP server written in Java. The design is really modular and the server is fully customizable. Using it you can share files over the Internet.
October 1st 2002
- Chatforyou
Chat freeware
Freeware chat software. It consists of the client-side applet, which is embedded in the web page, and the server-side on the web server. The server-side is Perl script, or Java application. The quick loading, size of chat applet - 14 Kb.
- Countdown
Applet freeware
Free countdown applet with many customizable parameters.
Sensitive to the second.
September 12th 2002
- Pulse
Text v1.0 freeware
PulseText is a tiny, free and stylish text effect applet. Lines of text appear character-by-character accompanied by a pulse, then fades out. A number of different variations on this effect can be achieved by tweaking it's parameters.
September 4th 2002
- Memory
game freeware
This is a memory game with nice cat pictures. You can choose between 10 level (0=slowest 9=fastest).
August 14th 2002
- 3-D
paddle bat N/A
This is a crossover between ping pong and tennis, played in
a 3D environment!
- aDraw
aDraw is a complete paint program ( freehand, fill, ...). It is possible to save painted images in GIF and PNG format.
- Download4j
free for non commercial use
Download4J is 100% JAVA component
(Servlet + JavaBean) that allows to download files. This component could
be integrated in any JSP/Servlets application.
July 23rd 2002
- Check
Mate v1 Freeware
A Java chess game for 2 human players which can be played on
the same computer or over a network.
- Iamsurfing
Chat Room freeware
Free chat software for webmasters. Comes with a rich,
attractive interface and lots of features.
- My Free
Collection of free online Java games for your
July 6th 2002
- Java Digest
Java news, article digest, and product reports.
- Ace
Internet News ticker free service
Free UK biased ticker featuring news headlines, weather reports, lottery results and more.
- NewsMaker free
for non commercial use
NewsMaker is a smooth-scrolling news ticker-scroller that reads its items and links from a text file. Supports background images and sound.
Free for non-commercial use.
- Xyrian
Xyrian™ is a unique tool that provides Java™ developers with instant architecture and functionality to simplify the creation and management of J2EE™ applications. It is available to download for
June 10th 2002
- Cool
Banner freeware
This applet takes any number of banners (468x60) and rotates them in order using different cool transitional effects to hide one and display the next. Highly configurable.
- JPhotoBrush
This is an image enhancement and
editing application written
in Java 1.3. Similar to Adobe PhotoShop in function (though obviously
not as powerful!).
- Pool
An awesome Java pool game featuring realistic graphics and
sound. Very fun.
May 16th 2002
- Chinese Chess
Play Chinese Chess with the computer with this impressive
Java applet! Source code available.
April 15th 2002
- MyinfoChat
Free hosted Java chat with
skins and smileys support. Also, Asian font (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and firewall
- Jaek
Graph freeware
A Java graphing applet with many configurable
- Fabian's
Java games freeware
A collection of original, downloadable Java games.
Highlights include "Street Hockey" and "Babylon."
March 31st 2002
- SiteBrowser (tree menu)
SiteBrowser is a highly robust menu
tree applet to provide navigation on your site. Among the features are:
two main layouts, either vertical tree or horizontal menu. Free for any
kind of use, either commercial or non-commercial.
- JGraph
Highly robust, open source diagram editor and graph component.
Fully documented and free.
March 10th 2002
- Star Wars
text applet freeware
In a galaxy far away, here we have a applet that display
your message in Starwars Fashion.
Feburary 25th 2002
- JCalendar
Calendar is an attractive
date picker bean. Highly configurable and free.
- Sideways
news scroller
Getting its data from an external .txt file, this
scroller applet scrolls from right to left. Very lightweight. Note:
Direct download link here.
custom libraries
JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology is an excellent architecture for delivering Web applications, but one of its most important facilities, custom tag libraries, is often poorly leveraged. This
tutorial offers tips and solutions.
Feburary 10th 2002
- Java Dev Talk
Java Dev Talk is a Java specific forum. Ask questions, give answers and discuss anything and everything Java!
- Chrono
Lisa clock freeware
This clock applet features a futuristic time display of 3 interlocking ovals and is fully
customizable. Just cut and paste!
- UploadBean
free for non-commerical use
UploadBean is 100% JAVA component (JavaBean) that allows to
upload files. This bean could be integrated in any JSP/Servlets
application. You can store uploaded files in a Folder, a ZIP archive, a
Database or in Memory. Restrictions such as file size limit, blacklist
and max. uploaded files are available.
January 29th 2002
January 12th 2002
- Search
This freeware
Add search to your site with
this applet. When the user types in a phrase and clicks the search
button, the applet will search a db.txt file for the words and attempt
to make associations.
- Kiss
Me freeware
Now you can let your visitors kiss a picture of yourself or someone
else, with this kissing applet!
- Java
calculator free for non commercial use
Simple Java Calculator. Easy installation, sticky and float
mode, compatible with all web browsers.
December 26th 2001
- Image
viewer applet free for non commerical use
Image Viewer Applet allows you to easily display a lot of images on one
Web page. View all images in thumbnail, zoom in, zoom out of images, and
- J-Track
satellite tracking n/a
J-track allows you to track the orbit of some of the most
well known space landmarks, from Mir, Hubble, shuttles (if in orbit), to
tomorrow's weather. Quite interesting.
December 1st 2001
- Thumbnail
slideshow freeware
Display images in thumbnails for easy selection with this
applet. Clicking on the desired thumbnail enlarges it.
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