Main Menu Java Applets Search
- ClientSearch freeware
A client-side search engine developed by a webmaster for sites that want an internal
search engine, but do not have access to CGI.
- House Spider
House Spider is a simple, one class file
applet that instantly gives your pages search capabilities!
- Java
Search the search engines freeware
An external search engine applet that allows your surfers to
choose from the various search engines on the net to query a search.
- Patrick's
internal site search applet
$20 after trial
An award winning search engine applet that searches a website for keywords by parsing and
following links on the site. When the applet indicates it is finished, you can
double click on any of the links to go to that page.
- Personal Search 2.4 freeware
PersonalSearch is a Java search engine for your site. You
decide what keywords it should respond to and what URLs are included in the engine. It
consists of an applet that you can put on your site and a Java application that allows you
to customize the search file. Requires Java 1.1 Runtime Environment.
- SearchLite
A simple, single word internal site search applet. Like most internal search engine
applets, this one follows the links on the page containing the applet to search deeper
into the web site.
- Search Light freeware
Another internal site search applet that searches the text of a web site for a
- SimpleSiteSearch freeware
This is a client-side internal site search applet
that searches the documents in the site where the applet is installed. Can be used on any
webpage to add search capabilities to it!
- Turbo Start freeware
An external search engine with a longer list of search engine sites
to choose from to search than the above one.
- JavaScript Search freeware
This is an internal Java search engine
for searching website contents. Performs a "crawl" thru all website pages,
picking up additional page embedded links. Provides keyword filters. Very efficient, and
sports a cool interface.

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