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Main Menu small4.gif (1046 bytes) Java Applets small4.gif (1046 bytes) Scrollers And Ticker Tapes

  • Freedom Quotes free service
    This is a cool applet that displays a random, different quote each time your page is loaded. It's a great way to serve up fresh, compelling content without any work on your part.
  • e.Teligent free tickers free service
    Great free tickers to add to your site, including live news, market tickers, and sports ticker. The snapshot shows their sports ticker you can add to your site, for free!
  • 7 a.m live news ticker free service
    Want to feed your surfers live news? The 7 am news ticker is a free applet that connects to various news sources to constantly update itself with the latest news for your surfers to see!
  • 'Announcements' Scrolling Text freeware
    This small java applet displays a series of messages in a scrolling 'ticker' style. It gets the messages from a file on a web server.
  • Daily Factoid free service
    The Daily Factoid is a cool, interactive applet that displays a daily fun fact, updated five times a week. Just copy some HTML code onto your web page, and off you go!
  • Daily Quote About Living free service
    Add the About Living Daily Quote applet to your site and enlighten your surfers with a daily quote/proverb!
  • Dotz $20/ free for non-commercial use
    Dotz is the ultimate LED banner applet!
  • Goverrnor News Ticker freeware
    A superb new ticker with a great interface, pauses when the mouse moves over it, and highlights the text the mouse is over. Excellent! Warning: Download page slow to load.
  • ITS Navigator Ticker freeware
    One of the most efficient and attractive Java ticker tapes out there! The applet is capable of containing different messages, each with its own URL associated with it.
  • Lithic Scroller freeware
    Lithic Scroller is a small free scroller with a lot of features. The font, color, speed, and background can all be set.
  • Pet Quotes free service New!
    This applet allows you to show visitors to your website a a new Pet Quote every time they visit your site. The applet can be customized to show all pet quotes or to show only dog or cat quotes. The font size and color can also be customized as well as the background color.
  • ProScroll freeware
    A scrolling text applet that excels over similiar applets in that it is very small, fast, and stable. Not clickable.
  • Scrolling Text freeware
    A simple applet that scrolls the enclosed text. Not clickable.
  • Scroller Applet freeware
    A single-lined scroller that scrolls the contents upwards, one line at a time, and pausing between each line.
  • Solid Scroller commercial/ free with limitation
    This applet displays a scrolling text, using colourful fonts. The text can jump, and wave, and you may even be able to add a mirror effect on bottom area.
  • tScroll free for non-commercial use
    A highly configurable scroller that can scoll up-down, or sideways.
  • Text Scroller commercial/ free with limitation
    This textscroller can run as vertical, horizontal, jumping, zooming, sine moving, and more!
  • TinyBulletin freeware
    This is a cool and practical scroller that scrolls one message at a time, pausing between messages. Clickable, so clicking the message will take you to a pre-determined URL.
  • Type Writer Applet freeware
    Fully customizable up-down scroller that types out one letter at a time, pausng between lines.
  • Webticker free service
    A live news applet that shows the latest news in a black "bar". Attractive interface.

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